Creating a Website
A website is a collection of related web pages that are usually stored on a single web server computer. A web server is a computer system that enables users to access web pages stored on a web server computer. The term "web server" can refer to software accessing a computer page, or it may refer to the computer itself. To create a website, you will need the following: (1) a text editor, (2) a upload / publishing tool, (3) a web hosting service, and (4) a browser.
Text Editors: There are many different text editors, with different levels of performance. Microsoft Notepad is free and does not offer any special web services. To use it, the web developer simply enters the text, and the text appears as it is. While it is possible to use a clear text editor such as Notepad, most web developers use the type of text editor - a web authorization tool. Different web writing tools have different features that are designed to make the web development process easier. At the very least, web authorization tools can generate valid code after a user has typed part of the command. This is done by displaying a user-friendly display of valid code that can complete the currently entered command. This automatic completion method is often called intelligence and is sometimes called pick list. Another common feature of all web authorization tools is WYSIWYG, called “wizeewig.” It stands for "what you see is what you get." WYSIWYG means that as you edit your text, you can see what your text will look like after it is finally uploaded to the website. Visual Studio is from Microsoft, so it's not free. But fear not, Microsoftophiles. If you plan to use Visual Studio for non-commercial purposes, you can download Microsoft Visual Studio Community for free (that means you - students, intellectuals, and open source project providers).Ad Link Visual Studio Community incorporates all functionality of Visual Studio's technical version. There are many other web authorization tools that you are welcome to read on your own. Visual Studio and its shoots work on Windows, but if you have a Mac computer (intosh), check out Adobe's Dreamweaver web authorization tool. Works on both Windows and Mac. Or, search Google for other web authorization tools - most of them are free and some are really good! In general, web authorization tools enable developers to create not only web pages, but also other software. Such general web authorization tools are called integrated integration sites, or IDE for short.
Web Page Uploads: After typing your webpage into your local computer with your favorite IDE, you will probably want to publish it. Publishing means that you upload your web page to a web server computer so that other users can access the Web. Some IDEs, such as Dreamweaver, offer built-in upload capabilities, but some IDEs, such as Visual Studio, do not. For IDEs that do not provide built-in upload capabilities, you will need to use a separate file uploading tool. There are many file uploading tools
Web Hosting Service: For a file upload tool like WinSCP to work, you need to have a web server computer where you can store downloaded files. In order for downloaded files to be accessed as web pages on the Web, your server computer needs to have a local web hosting service. A web developer usually does not have to worry about web hosting software. If a web developer is part of a middle-class organization, then the organization’s technical department (IT) will install and maintain a web hosting service. On the other hand, if a web developer is part of a very small organization or is not part of an organization at all, the developer will need to set up a web hosting service or rely on a standard web hosting company. To do so. No matter who owns the web hosting service, all web hosting services need to have a way to receive downloaded files from the file upload tool. Usually, that is the FTP server (file transfer protocol), which is a computer-based web server.
Browsers: Browser is a piece of software that enables the user to retrieve and view a web page. According to, the most popular browsers on computers are Google Chrome, Microsoft browsers (Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer), and Mozilla2 Firefox, with Google Chrome at # 1. Other browsers are Safari (for Mac devices), Opera, and the default Android browser. Safari and Android are very popular with mobile devices.
A domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser address bar to visit your website.In other words, if your website was a home, then your domain name would be its address.The Internet is basically a large network of computers connected to each other by cables. For easy reference, each computer is assigned a series of numbers called an internet protocol address.This Internet protocol address is a combination of numbers separated by dots.Computers have no problem identifying and remembering these numbers. However, it is not possible for people to remember and use these numbers to connect to online websites.To resolve this issue, domain names were developed.A domain name can contain names that make it easier to remember website addresses.Now if you want to visit a website online, you don't need to type a string of numbers. Instead, you can type in a easily remembered domain name, for example,
Choose a name that people can remember well, and choose wisely and appropriately whether you will use, .net, .com, or something else.
Web hosting is a place where all the files on your website reside. It’s like the home of your website where it actually lives.A good way to think about this is if the domain name was your home address, then web hosting is a real house it speaks to. All online websites, which require web hosting.When someone logs in to your domain name in a browser, the domain name is translated into the Internet protocol address of your web hosting company. This computer contains files for your website, and sends those files back to users' browsers.Web hosting companies focus on maintaining and using websites. They offer a variety of capture strategies to their customers.
Choose a reliable one and look at how much capacity you need.
Web Development comes with a huge set of rules and strategies every website builder should be aware of. If you want the website to look and work your way, you need to become familiar with web technologies that will help you achieve your goal. Application or website development usually knows three main languages: JavaScript, CSS and HTML. And while it sounds very complicated, if you know what you're doing, understanding web technology and how it works becomes much easier.
Technology you use: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Java, SQL, etc.
The purpose of the website is to turn visitors into optimists. And the way to do this is to identify the major types of users who are visiting your site, talk about their needs and give them a clear step for the next step.Yes, if you think hard, it is clear that the primary purpose of website design is to attract Internet audiences!
Layout & Colour
Website design is a pattern that describes the design of a website. It is responsible for organizing the information available on the site owner's website and for users. It provides clear ways to navigate through web pages and puts the most important things on the front and on the website.
You can use colors to motivate your visitors emotionally or respond to the call to action on your website. Color helps us to process and store images better than colorless images (black and white), this can help increase brand awareness and help inform visitors in your eyes to take action.
Colour affects the look your site. Neat layout is always prefered. Don’t forget about footer too.
Site map
Every website should have a purpose. Sites that do not have these are often unfocused, difficult to navigate, and display poor user experience. The visitor is left wondering, "What should I do here?" You never want your visitor to be confused when you navigate your website or interact with your content.
A sitemap can help you determine what your site's objectives are before you start designing or creating content. By deciding exactly what you want on your site and removing it, you can ensure that every part of your website reinforces your goals. It is then possible to cut parts that are not directly attached to the site purpose before they become part of site construction.
Before you start with website development, make sure you have all the necessary features and the right content. Your users should not come to an empty platform, they should have their favorite details such as photos, text, sounds, infographics, videos, slides, etc. All of these things should add value as people perceive information differently.
Your website should provide good and informative content to users. Edit specific keywords to rank higher in the search level. Type of content such as language, image, video, etc. It has an effect on how fast the website will load.
Before you can work on building an app or website for your platform you should analyze your audience. You need to know who your audience is, then you can create engaging content.
Discovery - Understanding your intentions and audiences for the design of your website.
Planning - Establishing a timeline, delivery, and development solutions.
Content Design - Editing your content and website design.
Design - Creating and refining interface and graphic design materials.
HTML Conversion - After the format is approved from the client side start entering the code.
Development - Bringing everything together.
Testing - Testing your website in multiple browser locations.
Get Started - Your website is going live.