
Object-oriented (OOP) programs refer to a type of computer programs in which programmers define not only the data structure of the data structure, but also the types of operations (functions / methods) that can be used in data creation.In this way, data structure becomes an integral part of data and operations. In addition, programmers can build relationships between one object and another. For example, objects can gain features from other objects.

One of the main advantages of object-oriented editing techniques is process programming that enables programmers to create modules that do not need to be modified when adding a new type of object. A programmer can simply create something new that inherits many of its features in existing objects. This makes object-focused programs easier to transform.

Object Oriented programs are a style of planning, which combines data and collaboration. Object Oriented programming run an important role in human computer communication. It has unique features that take real world objects and act on them, creating live communication between man and machine.

In computer science, a program is made up of a series of commands, which operate within a computer or electronic circuit, generating user information. Planning is something that can help editors while writing a plan. A computer program is the process of writing an algorithm again, and also inserting an algorithm code into a note that can generate and provide information to users. It can be divided into two groups, namely, the program plan and the system installation program. System configuration is a sub-branch of a standard system made up of low-level instructions used to operate and handle computer hardware. App applications are considered as an improved version of computer programs that can perform specific user functions. One of the types of system-oriented programming is an object-oriented (OOP) system that is about how information is represented in the human mind.Ad Link As a computer programming process, OOP is so helpful that it provides a simple model for building and constructing real businesses. This approach is intended for modeling businesses and, again, the relationships that exist between them. OOP allows program planners to define classes needed to create objects and make changes to them. It can also provide legacy features, polymorphism and developer signaling properties. With these capabilities, the data used can be separated from other unwanted applications. Because of its capabilities that are easily accessible to users, OOP is preferred over other programming languages available. OOP's natural features, which are not present in any other application, can be said to be streamlined, flexible and reworkable.

Common Uses

  • Reusable means that using other facilities rather than rebuilding them. This is done through the use of a class. We can use 'n' times according to our individual needs.
  • Data breakage is a scenario created in a database where the same piece of data is held in two different locations. Data reduction is therefore one of the biggest benefits of OOP. If the user wants the same functionality in many categories he can proceed to write descriptions of the common category for the same functionality and inherit it.
  • Code maintanance this feature is a must for any programming languages, helping users to redesign it in many ways. It is always easy and time-saving to save and modify existing codes by adding new changes to them.
  • With the use of data encryption and extraction method, we filter out explicit data which means we maintain security and provide the information needed to view it.
  • When working on OOPs the advantage of the design that a user can get is to design and easily repair items and eliminate risks (if any). Here the Object-Based Program forces designers to have a longer and more comprehensive design phase, leading to better design and fewer errors. After a time when the system has reached certain critical limits, it becomes easier to arrange all non-OOPs separately.
  • It helps to reduce complexity and also improves system maintenance. When the concepts of Encapsulation and Polymorphism are combined, Abstraction gives a lot of power to Object-programmed languages.


  • Functional information for JavaScript, C ++, CSharp, Java.
  • Getting used to the basic system configuration
  • Computer and server to install OOP
  • Interested in learning


Object is any entity that has a state and behavior.

An object in OOPS is nothing but an integration that contains methods and structures to make certain types of data work. For example color name, table, bag, barking. When you send a message to an object, you ask the object to request it or use one of its methods as described in class.

Box myBox = new Box();


A class is a plan or set of instructions for building a particular type of object. It is the basic concept of the Object-based Program that surrounds real-life structures. The class determines how the object will behave and what the object will contain.

public class parent{ //base class implementation. }


One object acquires the properties and behaviors of the parent object.

For example, a child inherits characteristics of his parents. With the asset, we can also use the fields and methods of the existing class. Therefore, inheritance facilitates rework and is an important concept for OOPs.

access_modifier class base_class_name { //base class implementation } access_modifier class derived_class_name:base_class_name { //derived class implementation }


Many forms. The same task is done in different ways. The concept that different types of objects can be accessed through the same interface. Each type can provide its own functionality, independent of this interface. It is one of the key concepts of the object-oriented system.

    Method Overloading:

  • Type of polymorphism. It has several names such as "Compile Time Polymorphism" or "Static Polymorphism" or "Early Binding". Method overloading means creating multiple methods in a class with the same names but different signatures.
  • Method Overriding:

  • Type of polymorphism. It has several names such as "Run Time Polymorphism" or "Dynamic Polymorphism" or "Late Binding". Method Overriding means having two methods with the same name and signatures, one should be in the base class and the other should be in the derived class.


The main purpose of the abstraction is to hide unnecessary information from users. Abstraction selects data from a larger pool to show relevant object information to the user. It helps to reduce the difficulty of making plans and efforts. It is one of the most important concepts of OOPs.


Data collection in ways that work on that data. Encapsulation is used to encrypt the value or status of an organized data object within a class, to prevent unauthorized access to unauthorized groups. Publicly accessible methods are often offered in the class (getters and setters) to access values, while some client classes call these methods to find and return values to an item.

Constructor & Destructor

Constructor is a special member function whose task is to initialize the object of that class.

Destructor is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a constructor.

Constructor with parameters: public car(string name,int NumberofDoors) { name=name; NumberofDoors = NumberofDoors; }

Destructor: class car{ ~car() { Consol.WriteLine(name); } }